I'm attending Yavapai College to pursue my career goal in the field of Radiology. It's going to be a tough road traveled with only ten students accepted per year, but I have nursing as a potential backup. I've always liked technology and science so it was just a natural fit. The area/field in Radiology that I want to pursue the most is Onocology. It's the sub-specialty of radiology devoted to the treatment of cancer with radiation. Onocology consists of sending radiation from an outside x-ray source or an injection into the body. I'm still not one hundred percent sure this is the field I want, but after my mom passed away from cancer I've been more interested in this field particularly. It was just a life changing experience that I never want to go through again. I don't want to lose anyone close from something as simple/common as cancer again. If I can be in a field using technology to save people from cancer where my mom was not, I could be proud to say I'm making a difference. You can't help all the people all of the time, but at least I could make a dent. I just want to help people and be better acquainted with the medical field. Plus, I get to work with giant uber-computers. WOOT! I think I have the right personality and hospitality, I just don't have the tools. This is why I'm enrolled into Yavapai. To acquire these tools...